Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) meeting

6/27/2022 9:51:00 AM
Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) meeting

The Interregional Coordination Committee (IRCC) met on 06-08 June in Denpasar, Bali for a regular annual meeting to review progress and identify next steps for Regional Hydrographic Commissions and various thematic working groups. The host, Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre of the Indonesian Navy (Pushidrosal), provided a forum to discuss ocean mapping, nautical cartography, capacity building, as well as to identify actions to be taken at regional and global levels.

Croatia, which took over  the chairmanship of the Hydrographic Commission for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MBSHC) in March this year, also took an active part in the three-day work of the 14th Meeting of the Interregional Coordination Committee. Delegates of the Croatian Hydrographic Institute held an online presentation on the achievements and important findings of the MBSCH region, reported on the work of active thematic working groups, and presented proposals and opinions to the Committee.

The IRCC plays an important decision-making role within the IHO as an intergovernmental organization, as participants decide which proposals and decisions will be presented to the IHO Council and then discussed and voted on by all Member States at the next IHO Assembly in April 2023.

The Committee also recognized the efforts made by the Regional Hydrographic Commissions (RHCs) and its subordinate bodies in the implementation of the IHO Strategic Plan and the S-100 Roadmap, as well as numerous steps forward made the areas of Capacity Building, GEBCO, Maritime Spatial Data Infrastructure, and Education.


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