Ostale publikacije

The Adriatic Archipelago Telling Tales

ISBN 978-953-316-121-1
grupa autora / group of authors
Tvrdi uvez
Broj stranica:
Datumi izdanja
Prvo izdanje Novo izdanje Nova naklada
kolovoz, 2010
Održavanje OZP-om: NE

Twenty excellent Croatian writers, poets, painters, journalists, who have never before appeared together between the covers of one book, have related their experiences, their thoughts on islands and on life there. Some are islanders themselves and these are their stories, reflections, viewpoints. The book is a collection of authorial works, stories, poems and personal memories making up a literary archipelago. All stories are islands; as valuable as the real islands which have given me so many happy days. This gives me the chance to share this pleasure with you who, reading this book, will uncover the secrets of one of the most enchanting places on the planet: the coast and the islands on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, the most beautiful archipelago on the Mediterranean.

Tales written by:
Ranko Marinković Slobodan Novak Mirko Kovač Predrag Matvejević Luko Paljetak Jakša Fiamengo Slavenka Drakulić Daša Drndić Arsen Dedić Vesna Parun Stipe Nobilo Joško Božanić Giacomo Scotti Miroslav Radman Anica Kisić Senko Karuza Damir Miloš Javor Novak Radovan Marčić