VTMIS Conference HHI contribution to the realisation of the Croatian VTMIS

12/15/2011 11:55:00 AM

Within regular MMPI activities on the realisation of the project of establishing Croatian Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System (CVTMIS), VTMIS Conference was held in Zagreb at the MMPI on 7 December 2011. One of the presenters was Željko Bradarić, assistant director for international cooperation and safety of navigation. The conference gathered representatives of many professional, educational and scientific institutions, as well as of shipping and other companies whose activities are related to the sea and the safety of navigation. Representatives of the relevant ministry, of harbour master’s offices, and VTS operators from three so far established VTS centres also attended the conference.

The conference objective was to present technical bases developed by the companies and institutions engaged in the project, in order to give the participants an insight into solution proposals and receive their comments. In a 30-minute presentation Željko Bradarić explained the results of investigation with solution proposals for defining VTS areas and sectors according to the type of VTS service, as shown in the supplied study. In this connection, he also presented the proposal for the structure and contents of information on VTS elements in official publications of the Hydrographic Institute.

Following its role in this stage of the project realisation, as well as close and good cooperation with the MMPI project team, the HHI has completely fulfilled the task entrusted to it in the VTMIS project. Further cooperation is expected until full realisation of the project, i.e. putting the system into operation, and afterwards in accordance with the HHI role as maritime safety entity in the actual service, and provider of the basis for maritime safety information contained in official electronic charts (ENC) on VTS operator’s console.


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