HHI representatives attend training courses on cartographic data management and Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI)

12/22/2022 10:09:00 AM
HHI representatives attend training courses on cartographic data management and Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI)

Representatives of the HHI participated in the three-day training courses on cartographic data management and Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure, which took place at the University of Istanbul 5 – 9 December 2022 under the auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), within capacity building activities in the Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC) region.

These workshops presented options for managing cartographic data, adapting to new standards, and integrating spatial data and publishing them on geoportals through ESRI programmes.

Participating actively in the workshops, the HHI representatives Daniela Staničić and Ante Kolić exchanged experiences with their colleagues from other hydrographic offices in collecting and processing data within their areas of competence.


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