New e-Service – Tides Online

12/12/2011 10:16:00 AM
New e-Service – Tides Online

New e-Service "Tides Online" has been released on the website of the Hydrographic Institute.

The service provides a diagram of measured and/or predicted sea level heights (tides), and their residual (difference). Users can choose by themselves the datum for the display of data. Predicted heights of high and low waters with the times of occurrence, and the phases of the Moon are given in tabular form.

What makes this web service different from other services of that kind is the possibility to display the measured and predicted sea level heights at 5 tide-gauge stations along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic (RovinjZadarSplitPloče, and Dubrovnik).

Hydrographic Institute shall not be liable for any failure or damage resulting from the use of this e-Service. Data published in this e-Service is unofficial and informative, and is not intended for navigational use. Official tidal predictions are available in annual publication entitled "Tide Tables – Adriatic Sea – East Coast".


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