Zahvalnica Hrvatskom hidrografskom institutu za sudjelovanje na Mediteranskom danu obale

11/12/2018 3:15:00 PM
Zahvalnica Hrvatskom hidrografskom institutu za sudjelovanje na Mediteranskom danu obale

U suradnji s lokalnim partnerima, PAP/RAC svake godine organizira centralnu proslavu u jednoj od zemalja Mediterana. Ove godine bila je to Hrvatska, a sljedećih godina bit će to neke druge zemlje. Mediteranski dan obale slavi se od 2007. godine s ciljem promicanja vrijednosti obala i mora te jačanja podrške za njihovo očuvanje.

Hrvatski hidrografski institut je zajedno sa svojim kolegama i partnerima proslavio Mediteranski dan obale i rođendan PAP/RAC–a te za svoje sudjelovanje i doprinos promicanja zajedničkog cilja dobio Zahvalnicu.

Više o samom eventu možete pronaći u prethodnim objavama HHI-a (, kao i na službenoj stranici Mediteranskog dana obale (


CHI hosted the meeting with representatives of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia

Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia on 23 October 2024 hosted the meeting with representatives of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia. Director Vinka Kolić Bubić with her associates received Capt. Siniša Orlić, Director of Maritime Safety Directorate, and Toni Maričević, Head of ...

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CHI and MoD meeting

Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia on 16 October 2024 hosted the meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia. The meeting covered issues relating to past successful cooperation and to future joint projects of common interest...

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