IPA - training of HI-M for hydrographic measurement of marinas by HHI

9/18/2012 2:42:00 PM
IPA - training of HI-M for hydrographic measurement of marinas by HHI

Within the IPA Cross-Border Programme Croatia – Montenegro, “Joint Promotion and Increased Level of Safety in Nautical Tourism in Dubrovnik-Neretva County and Montenegrin Coast”, the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia (HHI) as leading partner, completed the project activity 3.3. Training of HI-M for hydrographic measurement of marinas by HHI, 03.09.2012.-06.09.2012., Lepetane (Tivat).

The above mentioned activity was implemented through the planned study visit, education and training of HMZCG employees in the period 03.09.2012.-06.09.2012.

Training course and education (lectures and practical work) took place in Tivat, in building of UPS.

Throughout the three-day training, presentation of HMZCG equipment was conducted to the HMZCG employees (the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department). Integration of devices into an integrated hydrographic system were also performed in practice. Attendants were given recommendations regarding certain deficiencies and shortcomings, and a list of activities that need to be made as a preparation for the period until the arrival of m/v HIDRA, and executing activities 3.4. (Hydrographic survey). Detailed plan of hydrographic survey - Activity 3.4, which will be held in the period from 18.09.-02.10.2012, was also introduced to the attendants of education and training.


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