IPA - Round table on potentials of cross border co-operation in upgrading quality of services

6/11/2012 10:40:00 AM

The round table was held on Tuesday 5th June 2012 at 10 a.m. in Dubrovnik at the University of Dubrovnik, Ćira Carića 4, room D01. Participants in the round table were Montenegrin and Croatian partners in the project (Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia with the University of Dubrovnik – Maritime Department and Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro with the National Tourist Organisation of Montenegro) as well as representatives of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia, Dubrovnik-Neretva County Port Authority, ACI Dubrovnik, Montenegrin Tourist Board, Kotor Tourist Organisation, and others.

After the introductory word given by the Head of the Maritime Department prof. Željko Kurtela, PhD HHI director's assistant Mrs Vinka Jurić spoke on the current achievements of the project. The website of the project www.nautour.info was also presented.

Two guest speakers were invited to give presentations at the round table:

1. Mr Frano Hartman, Adriatic Global Agency manager: ''Cross border co-operation in nautical tourism''
2. prof. Josip Kasum, PhD full professor at the Maritime Faculty in Split: ''The risks and leisure vessels in nautical tourism''.      

In his speech director of Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro Mr Luka Mitrović emphasised the achievements made in acquisition of equipment and training required for hydrographic measurements necessary to perform a quality screening of the seabed and nautical tourism potentials.

After the presentations and speeches a discussion was opened on numerous topics regarding the project. A particular attention was drawn to the issues for which this project could offer solutions or assistance in finding the solutions: regulations concerning nautical tourism, issues regarding the procedure of crossing national borders, the problem of large distances among the existing marinas in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the necessity for building marinas in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the issue of shore devastation, requirements with respect to technical facilities in marinas...

Mrs Sanja Todorović task manager of the Joint Technical Secretariat for the IPA Cross Border Programme Croatia – Montenegro expressed her satisfaction and appreciation of the activities within the project which, in her own words, erased the borders through mutual efforts and co-operation. Elaboration of new tourism products – the booklet and the guide – useful not only to the tourists but also to other organisations and tourism agencies, will bring benefits to the wider community. Apart from the mentioned materials a website will be available www.nautour.info and it will remain active until 2019.

The round table ended with the conclusion that most of the set goals have been reached and some final results of the project can already be seen.

Press and more on Project Nautour


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