HHI representatives attend Hydro22 conference and Emodnet meeting

12/13/2022 2:27:00 PM

The HYDRO22 Conference took place 5 – 8 December 2022 at the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, organised by the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) and the French Hydrographic Society (Association Francophone d'Hydrographie – AFHY). Several sessions were organised, covering a wide range of topics:

  1. Training courses and seminars for hydrographers according to IHO standards,
  2. Improvements in the processing of raw hydrographic data and data to be displayed on charts,
  3. Automation in hydrography (autonomous vessels) and cartography (generalization of depths and depth contours in surveying),
  4. Status and development plans for new IHO standards (S-100).

Many industry representatives (manufacturers of hydrographic equipment and software) also participated in the HYDRO22 Conference.

As part of the Conference, the meeting of the bathymetric working group within the EMODnet project (European Marine Observation and Data Network) was held on 5 December 2022. Project leaders presented the status of integration of regional digital terrain models (DTM) into a high-resolution EMODnet DTM (1/16 * 1/16 arc minute, about 115 * 115 metres), ready to be released as the final product of this project during the two-year period (2020–2022).

The HHI representatives Ljerka Vrdoljak (Hydrographic Department) and Dejan Lovrinčević (Cartographic Department) attended the EMODnet meeting and the HYDRO22 Conference, where they exchanged knowledge and experience with their colleagues and contributed actively to roundtable discussions after each session.


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