Green City Energy ONtheSEA

11/17/2011 1:26:00 PM

International Forum entitled Innovazione tecnologica per lo sviluppo competitivo e sostenibile del sistema logistico portuale e dello shipping (Genoa, 10 – 11 November 2011) within the Green City Energy ONtheSEA International Conference, was attended by D. Sc. Srećko Favro, representative of the Hydrographic Institute. As invited lecturer, he presented the project of sustainable development of islands entitled “Yachting Berths in Traditional Ports on Croatian Islands”, currently being developed.

The Forum topics presented current trends on the nautical tourism markets of the Mediterranean, Europe and the world, especially the USA, in the light of a revival of nautical sector after the economic crisis. Special consideration was given to the protection of the environment and sustainable development of smaller coastal and island communities by introducing the environmental protection and management standards under supervision of professional associations and economic unions.

In the context of presented topics, future development of the nautical tourism in Croatia should be viewed through actual international standards and trends by higher involvement in the international professional organisations such as ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Associations), PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure) and EUROMARINE (The European Federation of Marinas and Yachting Harbours).

It was agreed to continue cooperation with the leading world associations in the field of nautical tourism, and establish scientific cooperation in research projects with the University of Genoa.


Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia sign Agreement on scientific-research, technical and business cooperation

Agreement on scientific-research, technical and business cooperation was signed on 24 July 2024 between the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOR) and the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia (HHI)...

read more Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia sign Agreement on scientific-research, technical and business cooperation