EMD 2011

5/25/2011 4:36:00 PM

20 May 2011, seminar entitled "Seamen in the Centre of Croatian Maritime Policy", marking the European Maritime Day, was held in Split in the basement halls of Diocletian’s Palace, organised by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, and the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia.

Together with the representatives of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure and the Hydrographic Institute, the celebration of the European Maritime Day was attended by the State Secretary for Island and Coastal Development Josip Borić, the Split-Dalmatia County Prefect Ante Sanader, Deputy Mayor of the City of Split Jure Šundov, harbour masters, and the representatives of ship operators and shipping companies.



  • kap. Joško Nikolić: 'Hrvatski sustav nadzora i upravljanja pomorskog prometa (VTMIS)' - PDF

  • Maja Markovčić Kostelac: 'Hrvatsko pomorsko zakonodavstvo ususret Europskoj uniji' - PDF

  • Nina Perko: 'Usklađenost novog Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama s europskom pravnom stečevinom' - PDF

  • Branimir Farkaš: 'Novosti u Pomorskom zakoniku i brodska posada' - PDF

  • Siniša Štimac: 'Budućnost u komunikaciji (mirenje u pomorskim sporovima)' - PDF

  • Josip Kasum: 'Pomorski fakultet i novosti u sustavu pomorskog obrazovanja' - PDF

  • Nenad Vulić: 'Status Hrvatskog registra brodova danas i sutra' - PDF

  • Joško Petković: 'Uloga i značaj Plovputa u sigurnosti plovidbe na moru' -PDF

  • Ivica Jelača: 'UPSS - suživot prakse i struke pomorskih strojara' - PDF

  • Zvonko Grzetić: 'EU fondovi - IPA program prekogranične suradnje i Hrvatska-Crna Gora - projekt 'Nau Tour'' - PDF


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