Croatia at the 7th Meeting of the Expert Cooperation Group on PoR in Brussels

2/8/2018 2:12:00 PM
Croatia at the 7th Meeting of the Expert Cooperation Group on PoR in Brussels

Assistant director of the Hydrographic Institute of Croatia Željko Bradarić and Head of National Search and Rescue Headquarters (MRCC) Edo Šarunić participated in the 7th Meeting of the Expert Cooperation Group on PoR held in Brussels on 1 February 2018. The expert group was set up in accordance with the European Commission Decision to deal systematically with complex and sensitive issues of PoRs for ships in distress.

Representatives of Croatia were invited to present the Croatian concept, which has been implemented since 2007 as an integrated solution, covering organisational aspects as well as a decision support system (DSS) through special regulations (Pravilnik o mjestima zakloništa, NN 3/08 and 101/16), and according to Directive 2002/59/EC and IMO guidance documents ( Following the implementation, the CHI continues to provide systematic support through maintenance of spatial and other databases as well as functionalities of a special multicriterion analysis model (DSS), and user training, making entire system usable and viable for its main purpose.

The concept as such is still relevant today as viable and adequate regulation of an important and sensitive issue related to the sea and to marine navigation. Consequently, it is the subject of interest of numerous EU and EMSA members, just like on this occasion.

The meeting highlights that, besides regular maintenance of the existing system, a special expert-scientific team is continuing to investigate the possibilities of DSS improvement by using new ICTs. Therefore, besides the operational and functional solution from 2007, currently there is a defined concept of high-quality DSS improvement based on the risk assessment methodology and multicriterion analysis. In addition to concrete ideas of a much wider functional improvement to the existing DSS through its application to other emergency and regular situations at sea, there is an elaborate concept of applying certain functions at EU level or their integration into existing functionalities of the service provided by the EMSA.

As regards the interest expressed by questions asked after the presentation, the quality of Croatian solution to this sensitive and complex issue was further confirmed. The chairman and other participants expressed their support for further improvement to DSS, especially in the segment of multicriterion analysis module (MCA) as a unique solution both at European and world level.

With respect to conclusions and guidelines resulting from the meeting in Brussels, representatives of Croatia, in accordance with the MMPI instructions, expressed their readiness to establish contacts with the EMSA in order to define future cooperation for the realisation of mutual interests on the subject of PoR and beyond.

To this end HR will set up an initial working group composed of the representatives of institutions involved in the PoR subject so far, ICT companies, and competent maritime administration, for the preparation of a draft document presenting the concept of improvement to the existing DSS and proposing the mode and scope of future cooperation with the EMSA.




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