Opening of exhibition - Coastal Panoramas at Rieger’s Time and Today, Maritime Museum of Montenegro

11/28/2011 1:49:00 PM
Opening of exhibition - Coastal Panoramas at Rieger’s Time and Today, Maritime Museum of Montenegro

The HHI representative Srećko Favro attended the opening of exhibition "Coastal Panoramas at Rieger’s Time and Today" organised within the "The Seashore of our Posterity" project at the Maritime Museum of Montenegro in Kotor.

The event took place on 17 November 2011, and the exhibition was opened by the consul general of the Republic of Croatia in Kotor Božo Vodopija.

The exhibition displays the 19th century panoramas of the Eastern Adriatic coast by Giuseppe Rieger. Reprint of Rieger’s panoramas was published by the Hydrographic Institute in the book "The Panoramas of Dalmatia by Giuseppe Rieger" written by Mithad Kozličić.

This exhibition attracts interest not only by historical views of the coast, but also by current representation of the coast recorded in HD technology as part of the "The Seashore of our Posterity" project. The exhibition, as well as entire project, is particularly important as it provides a complete and direct view of the most valuable resources that we have inherited.


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