Oceanographers on Islands

7/7/2021 1:35:00 PM
Oceanographers on Islands

Invitation from the renowned Croatian scientist Dr. Jadranka Šepić, ass. prof. (Faculty of Science Split), winner of the HAZU award for scientific and artistic achievements in the area of natural sciences in 2020, to conceive and undertake educational activities on islands, was welcomed by Young Ambassador of the European Marine Board Dr. Natalija Dunić (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split), and by Maja Karlović and Marko Mlinar (Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, Split).

As part of the event called “Oceanographers on Islands”, a team of young oceanographers, island enthusiasts, will organise workshops for school-age children, scientific coffee bars, and party games featuring the subject of the sea. The event will take place this summer in Vela Luka, Preko, Jelsa, and Vrboska.

These activities are carried out as part of the project “Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate (ShExtreme)” funded by the European Research Council (853045) and the project “Strength and variability of the Adriatic sea level extremes in present and future climates (Stvar-Adri)” funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (IP-2019-04-5875), also involving Oceanography Department of the Hydrographic Institute.

We look forward to seeing you soon in Vela Luka on 9 and 10 July 2021.

For more information view our Facebook page “Oceanographers on Islands”.



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