HHI releases new paper official general charts 351, 352, 353, and 354

3/8/2021 10:00:00 AM
HHI releases new paper official general charts 351, 352, 353, and 354

From 1 January 2021, new paper official general charts of the Adriatic Sea (1 : 350 000 scale) are available to end users:

  • 351 Venezia – Zadar
  • 352 Ancona – Šibenik
  • 353 Pescara – Split
  • 354 Barletta – Dubrovnik

These charts supersede the existing official charts 300-31, 300-32, 300-33, and 300-34, which are thereby cancelled.

As an important factor in the field maritime safety, the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia works continuously to ensure the production and release of new paper and electronic official navigational charts, aimed at improving the safety of navigation in the Adriatic Sea.



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