Croatia in the IHO Council

2/9/2023 3:18:00 PM

For the first time in its history, Croatia took permanent seat on the IHO Council.  Among 24 Member States of the regional Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC), which includes Croatia, Italy and France also took seat on the Council. The permanent members of the Council are elected for a three-year term (2023–2026).

The IHO Assembly is the main organ of the Organization formed by the representatives of all 98 Member States. It meets every three years to decide on the most important issues regarding the work of the Organization.

The IHO Council coordinates the activities of the Organization during the inter-Assembly period, within the framework of the strategy, work programme and financial arrangements, prepares proposals concerning the overall strategy and the work programme, considers the financial statements and budget estimates, reviews proposals submitted to it by subsidiary organs, proposes the establishment of subsidiary organs, reviews draft agreements between the IHO and other organizations.

The Council meets once a year and submits its reports, observations, recommendations, and draft decisions for approval to the Assembly and IHO Member States.

Croatia will be represented in the IHO Council by Vinka Kolić, Director of the Hydrographic Institute.


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